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Today signing up for health insurance can be a frustrating and confusing ordeal. Trying to compare deductibles, co-pays, networks plus navigating the healthcare marketplaces.  It’s just all chaos! 

Why does it have to be so difficult?

The truth is that the traditional health insurance system is not user friendly in any way. It has the ability to perplex some of the best and brightest.  Whether you are an individual, or business owner you can find yourself spending countless days and hours trying to locate a plan that fits your needs.  

However, when you check into Design Health. You will find that we are revolutionizing the industry. 

Now finding the perfect health insurance is just as easy as ordering food (a shirt) from the concierge at your favorite resort (hotel). 

Your personal Concierge will meet with you and can quickly evaluate your exact needs in an insurance plan. Making sure that it will be a perfect fit.

Although finding the right insurance plan is still a big ordeal, now you don’t have to be the one doing the work. You can sit back and relax. 

The concierge team will do the legwork for you.  They will filter through all the available insurance plans in your area from every possible provider. This Concierge service is all part of working with design health and will save you time and money. 

Your personal concierge will work quickly to design the perfect plan to make this a fast and easy process. 

Once your custom tailored plan is presented, all you need to do is start enjoying the great benefits.

It will leave you thinking and believing the Design Health Concierge is the way to go!
Wow…now that was easy!

Additionally the Design Health concierge service doesn’t stop there.  They are always at your service happy to help with all of your health plan needs. They can assist when you have questions about your prescription coverage, network access, or confusing medical bills. 

Your Design Health Concierge is waiting to hear from you. So call today and let us show you how painless getting the health coverage you need for you or your business can really be. 

Concierge and Enrollment

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Defined Contribution: Drop Group Employer Coverage and Switch to Individual Health Insurance