Serviced by:
Step 1
You implement your customized Design Health defined contribution plan, which gives employees a monthly healthcare allowance to spend on health insurance.
Step 2
Our Concierge Team assists your employees in purchasing personalized individual health insurance for themselves and their families. They pick their deductible, prescription coverage, and provider network!
Step 3
Your employees pay for their own health insurance premiums.
Step 4
You reimburse your employees tax-free during payroll, up to the amount of their healthcare allowance.
Step 5
Once everyone is covered, you can discontinue your current group health plan immediately. You don’t have to wait for the group insurance renewal date!
Design Health will provide you with a proven, UNPARALLELED and SUPERIOR
health benefit model for your
The financial results are nothing
short of stunning.
You owe it to your business, your
employees and their families to
check this out now!
Employer Group Plans vs. Design Health Individual Plans
We get it. This all sounds great (maybe even too good to be true), but it’s a change from what you – and your employees – are used to. So here’s how the two options stack up side by side:
Unsustainable Costs vs. Lower Costs
The average cost to cover an employee with group health insurance has increased from $2,196 per year in 1999 to $5,884 per year in 2013. For family coverage, the cost has increased from $5,791 per year in 1999 to $16,351 per year in 2013! This isn’t sustainable for employers or employees..
On average, individual health insurance plans cost 20-40% less than traditional group health insurance. More major health insurance carriers are entering the Marketplace or expanding their presence. More options mean more plans to choose from and more competition. This will help keep insurance rates low and maintain FREEDOM OF CHOICE!
Employees may also qualify for premium tax credits, depending on their income level and household size. We’ll help your employees determine if they’re eligible.
Limited Choice vs. Employee Choice
With group health insurance, you have an employer picking the same plan for employees and families with very different needs. Most employees have NO idea what their health insurance plan is, what it really costs, or even what it does or does not cover.
With Design Health individual health insurance, employees choose the coverage and doctors that best fit their family’s needs. Our Design Health Concierge Team provides one-on-one assistance in getting the right plan.
Not Portable vs. Portable & Permanent
An employer group plan can only be held by a company’s employees. If employees are laid off or have to leave the company, they and their families lose coverage… unless they use COBRA, which is unaffordable for many. And what if one of your employees gets too sick to come to work? How long can you keep him or her on the payroll just to keep their group health insurance benefit?
Individual health policies are permanent and portable, independent of employment. There’s no more need for expensive, temporary COBRA. You’ll know that your employees and their families will still be taken care of even if they have to leave your company.
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Defined Contribution: Drop Group Employer Coverage and Switch to Individual Health Insurance